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M.E/ M.Tech (AICTE) I - Semester & III - Semester (makeup) and II- Semester (Mains & Supple) for All Branches for the Academic year (2024-2025 Batch) Examinations - Jan/Feb - 2025.
MBA (CBCS) III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, January-2025
B.E. AICTE: I, III. V & VII Semester (Main & Backlog), Bridge Course I Semester ( main & Backlogs) and II,IV, VI (Backlogs) Bridge Course (Backlogs) Non CBCS-I Year , II/I, II/II,III/I, IV/I Semesters backlogs examinations Feb/march-2025.
M.Ed II semester & IV Semester Regular and I,II,III & IV Semester Backlog Examinations December/January-2025.
M. Pharmacy (PCI) II - Semester (Main & Backlog) & I & III -Semester (Backlog) Examinations, Decemeber - 2024.
BCA (CBCS) (Main & Backlog) Examinations, November/December-2024
BHMCT & BCTCA (CBCS) Main & Backlog Examinations, November/December-2024
UG (CBCS) B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/BBA/B.S.W. I-Semester (Regular) Examinations December-2024
M. Pharmacy (PCI) II - Semester (Main & Backlog) & I & III -Semester (Backlog) Examinations, Decemeber - 2024
LL.B (3-YDC), BA.LL.B (5-YDC) , BBA.LLB (5-YDC) & B.Com. LL.B (5-YDC) (Backlog) Examinations, November-2024
LL.M II Semester (Backlog) Examinations, November-2024
B.Ed. II Semester Regular and I Semester Backlog Examinations November - 2024
LL.M II Semester (Regular) Examinations, November-2024
LL.B (3-YDC), BA.LL.B (5-YDC) , BBA.LLB (5-YDC) & B.Com. LL.B (5-YDC) II - Semester (Regular) Examinations, November-2024
UG (CBCS) BA/BBA/BSW/BBA (Fashion Design Management)/BBA (Fashion Management) and BBA(Logistics), B.Sc., B.Com - III & V -Semster (Regular) Examiantions, November/December-2024
PG - I & III - Semester (Backlog & Improvement) Examinations - Oct-2024.
UG (CBCS) VI-Semester Instant/Makeup Examinations, September/October-2024
M.Sc Applied nutrition Examinations September-2024
B.P.Ed and D.P.ED (Regular & Backlog) Examinations, August-2024
PGRRCDE MBA II & IV Semester (Mains & Backlog) and I & III Semester Backlog, MBA I, II & III Year Wise Oct/Nov-2024
B.Pharmacy (PCI) II, IV & VI - Semesters (Main & Backlog) & I, III & V - Semesters (Backlog) Examinations September/ October - 2024
MCA (PGRRCDE) - I & III - Semester (Main) Examinations Sept/Oct - 2024
PG (CBCS) II & IV (MA/M.Com/M.Com(IS)/M.Sc/MSW/M.Lib.Sc/MJ&MC ) (Regular & Backlog Examinations, October-2024
P.G.R.R.C.D.E. M.A., M.Com & M.Sc. (Previous & Final)- August - 2024
B.Ed IV Semester Regular and I,II,III & IV Semster Backlog Examinations August/September-2024
Post Graduate Diploma in Culinary Arts II-Semester (Main & Backlog) Examinations, August-2024
B.ASLP (CBCS) - Semesters - III & V (Regular) Examinations - August-2024
B.PED & D.PED. II & IV Semester Regular and I,II,III & IV Semester Backlog Examinations July/August-2024
M.Sc. (Molecular & Human Genetics) - II - Semester - July, 2024.
B.A. (Oriental Languages) CBCS Semester - II/IV/VI (regular) and I, II, III, IV & V (Backlog) - Examinations - July/Aug - 2024.
B.Pharmacy (PCI) - VII - Semester (Backlog) Examinations July-2024.
Pharm.D (6-YDC) & Pharm.D (3-YDC) (PB) (Instant) Examinations - July/Aug - 2024.
Bachelor of Fashion Technology - II - Semester (Main) & I - Semester (Supply) Examinations July-2024.
M.E./ M-Tech. (AICTE) I - Semester & III - Semester (Mains & Supple) and II - Semester (Makeup) for All Branches for the Academic Year ( 2023-2024 Batch) Examinations - July - 2024.
MDHM - II & IV - Semesters (Regular) and I , II, III, IV - Semester Backlog Examinations - July/Aug - 2024.
B.Pharmacy (PCI) - VIII - Semester (Mains & Backlog) Examinations - July - 2024.
M.PEd. II Semester Regular and I Semester Backlog Examinations July - 2024.
M.Sc. Chemistry ( Yrs. Int. Course) - I,II,III,V,VI,VII,VIII & IX - Semester (Backlog) July/ Aug - 2024.
B.F.A (CBCS) Semesters- II, III, IV, VI, VIII & X - Regular & Backlog and Semesters - I,III,V,VII & IX (Backlog) - July-2024.
MBA IV Semester Regular and I, II, III & IV Semester Backlog Examinations June-July-2024 .
BCA (CBCS) - II, IV, & IV - Semesters (Main & Backlog) and I, III & V - Semesters (Backlog) Examinations June-July-2024.
BHMCT & BCTCA (Main & Backlog) Examinations June-july-2024.
M.Ed. I & III Semester Regular Examinations June/July-2024.
B.E. AICTE - VIII - Sem (Mains & Backlog), CBCS VIII Sem Backlog - NON CBCS - IV/IV - II Sem (Backlog) & One Time Chance Examinations June-2024.
M.Ed. Special Education - III - Semester - Regular Examinations.
B.Ed. Special Education - III - Semester Regular - Examinations.
M.PEd. - IV Smester - Regular/ Backlog and III Semester backlog/ Improvement Examinations.
UG II,IV,VI Regr and I,II,IV,VI Backlog Exams June-July-2024.
M.Pharmacy (PCI) (Main & Backlog) Examinations, June-2024.
Post M.Sc Diploma in Radiological Physics I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, June-2024 .
LL.B (3-YDC), LL.B HONOURS (3-YDC) VI-Semester Regular and BA.LL.B (5-YDC), B.COM LLB (5-YDC) & BBA. LL.B (5-YDC) X-Semester Regular Examinations June-July-2024 .
Oriental Languages - Pre Degree Course - I /II years, B.A. [Languages] (YWS)-I/ II/ III years (Backlog) and M.A. [Languages] Previous & Final Year (Backlog) - Annual Exams - May/June, 2024.
UG - Year Wise One Time Chance - Examinations - June/ July - 2024
UG III & V Semester Backlog Examinations May/June-2024
PGRRCDE MBA I & III Semester Regular Examinations April/May-2024
B.Ped and D.Ped I & III Semester Regular Examinations April-2024.
Ph.D Course Work (Regular & Backlog) Examinations April-2024.
M.Ed. Special Education - I - Semester Regular Examinations April - 2024.
B.Ed. Special Education - I - Semester Regular Examinations April – 2024.
LLM I Semester Regular Examinations -April-2024 .
Junior/ Senior/ Advanced Diploma in French/ German Examinations April – 2024.
LLb 3-YDC, LLb Honours (3-YDC), B.A LLB (5-YDC), BBA LLB (5-YDC), B.Com LLb -(5-YDC), First year I Semester Regular Examinations April-2024.
B.Ed. I -Semester Regular Examinations - April - 2024.

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